Nokia's return to the mobile space is happening end of 2016 with the leaked Nokia C1The Nokia brand, as rumoured, is returning to the mobile space to make Android-powered phones and tablets. The news was confirmed this morning in a press release from the company, which is now owned by HMD,
A new company setup to enable the proliferation of Nokia-branded phones and tablets..
Here’s the official line from HMD on what’s happening:

“HMD has been founded to provide a focused, independent home for a full range of Nokia-branded feature phones, smartphones and tablets. To complete its portfolio of Nokia branding rights, HMD announced today that it has conditionally agreed to acquire from Microsoft the rights to use the Nokia brand on feature phones, and certain related design rights. The Microsoft transaction is expected to close in H2 2016. Together these agreements would make HMD the sole global licensee for all types of Nokia-branded mobile phones and tablets. HMD intends to invest over USD 500 million over the next three years to support the global marketing of Nokia-branded mobile phones and tablets, funded via its investors and profits from the acquired feature phone business.”
. Thank you Source