آخر أخبار المال والأعمال عبر الموقع المغربي الأول المتخصص في أحدث و أهم المستجدات الإقتصادية بالعربية

Surviving without the Internet ? Easier than expected !

Les fêtes de Noël et de fin d’année approchent et plusieurs d’entre nous s’apprêtent à passer quelques jours chez des parents ou grands-parents, dans le respect de la tradition de cette fête familiale. Or une visite chez les doyens de la famille implique, pour un bon nombre de personnes, d’être coupé d’Internet. C’est mon cas. Loin de moi l’envie de faire de ma situation une généralité, mais je suis persuadé de ne pas être la seule personne au monde dont les aïeuls vivent sans accès au web.
 Living without the Internet. We all experienced it during the holidays or a visit to the grandparents. It is true that for those who are used to being always connected, this can be synonymous with deep boredom. Nevertheless, experience is not that hard to live with. In any case, it is the conviction that I have.

I recently had a new opportunity to cut myself off from the network, during a brief weekend at my grandmother's. The latter has no Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection. Moreover, she lives in Belgium (yes, half of my family comes from the flat country) and my French mobile plan does not allow me to activate the roaming of My data without paying a huge sum. So I was cut off from the Internet, totally.
As every time I experience it, I realize how ordinarily I spend many hours on the web, navigating from one page to another, An interesting news item, a YouTuber that I did not know or the last viral pearl appeared in the wonderful world of the Internet.Deceiving Boredom
Nevertheless, I also realize that I am not necessarily addict. Or at least much less than I could believe. Two or three hours are usually enough to get used to and leave my smartphone aside. It is enough simply to make the effort to forget it. We must admit at these times, we appreciate even more the last book we bought, the many benefits of a restorative nap and we rediscover all the interest of DVDs to watch with family (Netflix n ' Being unfortunately not accessible).
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